Friday, October 24, 2008

Fall Trip to Michigan

Well, Aimee and I made a trip to Michigan recently.  This time we were celebrating my Dad's 60th birthday and doing music for an outdoor wedding ceremony for Lisa Johnson.  Or I think it's Graziano now.  The wedding was nice but definitely outside our normal comfort zone (namely indoors.  And at Old St. Pat's in Chicago).  However, this brings our wedding total to 12 this year with merely 3 more to go!

Jami and Scott are in town for a wedding this weekend for one of Jami's friends from Marquette. They are staying at the Hotel Scozzafave -- looking forward to it!

Monday, October 6, 2008

One Year Later...

It's hard to believe, but the one year anniversary has arrived.  It's been an amazing year and we are looking forward to another!  

We celebrated first with a trip to Notre Dame (back to the scene of the crime!) for the ND v Purdue game, a trip to Wicked, and a brunch cruise out on Lake Michigan.  

On Friday, September 26th, Aimee and I were lucky enough to attend the Emerald Ball: a black tie evening of dinner and dancing for Old St. Pat's. This is a picture of us with our friends from the event.