Saturday, February 28, 2009

Lake Tahoe

Okay, okay I know I forgot to make a post of this but most of you have seen the pictures already.

The picture above was taken from the Snowflake Lodge which is most of the way up Diamond Peak.  The views were just amazing, everywhere you look there was a serene lake or alpine beauty.  Enjoy the pictures!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day

Well it's a little late.  And it's been a while.  I'm in Minneapolis this week (and not sick this time!) after a very nice weekend with Aimee.  I did the dozen red roses thing which I actually don't think I've ever done.  I have to plug sweet petal in Printer's Row -- it's a great flower shop and Melissa is great.  The roses were perfect!!

Saturday night I played and Aimee sang for the Old St. Pat's Valentine's Mass.  The music is very similar to a wedding and we got to perform with Laura, her husband Craig, and a trio of other musicians.  Aimee's rendition of Con te Partiro was great as always -- and I must say even I was impressed considering she was sick (or at least getting there).  Jim and Virginia hosted us for dinner afterwards.  I'm always amazed and everyone's generosity and hospitality.  Thanks guys!

We're off to Lake Tahoe this weekend.  I plan on bringing my camera so expect some pictures next time...