Monday, September 19, 2011

Getting Back Into Football Season

IMG_0385One of the first realities of being in Atlanta last year was that we would not be back to South Bend that fall.  Football season is again upon us and we are getting back into the swing of things:  back to the hot weather on campus, back to the heart-breaking turnovers, last minute scoring, and slow season start.  It’s also back to heart-warming trips to the Grotto, tailgating with friends and family, and reliving the days of campus life, if only for a few hours.

We received tickets to the home opener, graciously, from Frank and Courtney and took along the Neary’s for their inaugural home football game.   It was very hot but we made our way through most of the A-list sites before taking our seats in an even hotter stadium.  We took part in the first stadium evacuation in Notre Dame history.  But we did not take part in the second.  There was pizza, wine, warmth, and a misery-free evening to be had back in Chicago after the first half and we took it!

Obligatory shot in front of the dome.  Aimee's pose is in honor of Megan

Sara and Adam hosted a game watch and birthday celebration for Sara for our annual game against the Wolverines.  After the craziness of that Michigan game, we had the next Great Lake state rival to look forward to!  This time my parents met us in South Bend with Frank and Darlene, McLaurys, and Farhats.  We had a great time tailgating and catching up with my parents (under much happier conditions this time).  We may be 1-2 but we’re 2-0 with Parisi’s Italian Restaurant being able to seat a party of 8 right after the game.  Nicely done!

With my dad


And oh yeah, we won!!  Following the game, Aimee and I spent some much needed time at the grotto.  Its prayerful warmth never ceases to quiet our busy minds, or to quell our anxious hearts.  Write that down.


That’s probably it for us attending games this year.  Coming up next is a round of celebrations (Katie’s birthday, Dad’s birthday, Jami and Scott’s anniversary, Justin’s birthday, our anniversary) followed by a week in France!