Thursday, October 14, 2010

Visit from Megan and Katie

We are so blessed to have had Aimee's sister and our dear friend Megan visit us in Atlanta. On the same weekend! We had a filling couple days of catching up, eating, praying, and of course commemorating the European re-awareness of America. Hard to believe it's been 518 years.

We started the weekend at Fat Matt's Rib Shack. Hey, if it's good enough for George Clooney's character in Up In The Air, it's good enough for me. We followed that up with some local beer selections at Neighbor's in Virginia Highlands.

Sunday brought another beautiful morning, a work out, and then mass at IHM where we used my new setting of Psalm 98 (see previous post for recording). Our friend Tommy from IHM was kind enough to host a dinner afterwards which gave us all an opportunity to get to know people better. Monday was a bit more relaxing and featured a creative lunch prepared by me and some freshly made pumpkin bread. Secret ingredient? Apple cider.

We also took Crowley for her obligatory trip to the dog park and took in some Fellini's Pizza. Here are some other pictures from the weekend:

As if this past weekend wasn't enough, we leave Friday for CHICAGO to celebrate Aimee's 30th birthday!! Stay tuned for that. We're so excited to see everyone and be with our friends from Old St. Pat's. Before we leave though, I need to do a quick shout out to Michael and Jeff for watching Crowley. We're so happy to know she'll be in good paws.

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