Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Five months to go, let’s get our act together

It’s February 1st, which means we have 5 months, more or less, in Atlanta.  As the weather starts to warm up, it’s occurred to us both that we have a lot planned for the spring, between visitors, trips, and just activities around Atlanta.  So we made a list of goals.  For those who know Atlanta or the southeast, I’d love to hear more.

  1. Aquarium
  2. CNN Studio Tour – check.
  3. High Museum of Art
  4. Something at the Fox Theatre
  5. Spend the day at Stone Mountain
  6. Spend a weekend in Savannah at a B&B
  7. Visit Amicalola  Falls / Appalachian Trail, bring camera
  8. Take in a concert at the ASO (planned for May)
  9. Continue to meet more friends

Meeting friends here has been a good experience and while we want to keep it up, it’s been great to have the impromptu dinners and evenings with friends we’ve already made.  On Saturday our friend Tommy hosted us and 20 others for a pot luck Mexican Fiesta.   Aimee made chicken enchiladas (that turned out a bit spicier than anticipated) but incredibly flavorful:

Filling for the chicken enchiladas

And I made my guacamole which, despite some avocados that were a touch too “young”, turned out nicely.  It’s not secret recipe but the ingredients I like to use are below:

Time to make the guacamole! (not pictured: 10 more avocados and diced onions)Avocados, lots of chopped fresh cilantro, coarse salt, diced jalapenos, lightly roasted garlic, plenty of lime juice, coarsely diced tomato, freshly ground black pepper, cayenne pepper, chili powder, ground cumin, and diced onion.    It was a great time, we enjoyed hanging out, eating some good food and finishing the evening with a fine sipping tequila.

Lest we forget the old friends…  Wes is in town for work and stopped by last night for visit.  He flew in late, checked in at the hotel, and still made time to come see us before having to prep for an 8am client meeting this morning.  It was a quick trip for him but I have a sneaking suspicion it may be made longer by the impending apocalyptic precipitation up there.

Lastly, for the second time in only 18 months, Squeaker has undergone surgery at the hands of Dr. Aimee.  This particularly nasty item came home from the breeder with Crowley and it’s been her far and away favorite toy so we do what we can to persist the obsession.  Crowley watched intently as the operation was underway to becoming a great success.

Squeaker gets her second operation Crowley watches intently as the Doc performs the sewing

Off to Austin tonight for me and Aimee is off to Vancouver on Saturday for the Neuro-ophthalmology conference.  I’m only a little bitter that I’m not going, but I’ll enjoy the time at home for sure.

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