Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Deck the Hall.

'Twas a busy weekend...

The annual Deck the Hall concert was this weekend at OSP. Aimee had a solo in Huron Carol and got to sing in Huron (she's got some Native American heritage so somehow that makes sense to me). In the picture below, she is in the bottom left. I only went on Saturday night because a) my friend Jenny was in town and b) tickets were 50 bucks a pop.

Jenny Sullivan is a friend of mine from grade school and high school and now works for Families USA in DC. She was in town to speak at a health care conference, eat Chicago style pizza, and hang out with Aimee and me. It was great to see her!
In all, it was a very cooking-oriented weekend. Below are some pictures of Aimee preparing homemade marinara sauce, lasagna, tiramisu, and our friends from choir Anna and Megan. They came over on Sunday night for some Italian cooking (and Office-watching).

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