Monday, March 22, 2010

St. Patrick's Day in Chicago

St. Patrick's Day is a great time of the year to be in Chicago! To see our picture album, click here. We kicked off the holiday with the Civic Celebration Mass at Old St. Pat's. In attendance were Mayor Daley, the Prime Minister of Ireland Brian Cowen, Chairman of the Parade James Sullivan, Parade Queen Kerry Ann Brennan. The mass was celebrated by Cardinal Francis George and led in music by the Old St. Pat's choir (including Aimee).

We made not one, but two batches of corned beef and cabbage and shared the meals with our great friends. It was delicious. And I'm so done with corned beef for the year. At least for this month anyway.

Aimee's sister Katie and her friend Kathleen joined us for St. Patrick's Day and the Siamsa na nGael concert. The concert is a celebration of Celtic arts and held at Symphony Center and features the Metropolis Symphony and the OSP Choir. It was the culmination of weeks and weeks of rehearsals -- rehearsals that always provided a great reason to hang out with some amazing people.

Finally, we finished off with our first ever race. Aimee and I decided to sign up for and train for the Shamrock Shuffle with Megan. It is an 8K race (4.97 miles) and we finished in under an hour. The weather held out and all in all it was great fun! Definitely will do again...

I wonder what St. Patrick's Day will be like in Atlanta....

1 comment:

kleigh said...

You should go to Savannah next March...that's where the big St. Patrick's Day celebrating happens in Georgia.