Wednesday, June 29, 2011

It’s Been A While

ATL-ORD - Driving This TimeAnd it’s been busy. But things are coming together as we plan for our move back home and for our move away from what has become a great home of its own.  Departing like this is never easy, but I know we have a great many friends and family to return to!  The route is planned and will be taking us through Indianapolis for a stopover downtown.   Crowley received her summer haircut this past week and we definitely got our money’s worth.  That’s actually not true --  we took her to a new place and the cost was ridiculous but the idiom still holds:  much hair was removed.  Just gotta trim that tail.  And maybe the ears.

Summer cut!

On Saturday I spent a few hours with local Atlanta musician Paul Tate at his home for a session on composition and publication, followed by lunch.  It was a great opportunity to step through some of my work and get real-time feedback from someone with his background.  Looking forward to dinner with him next weekend!

We attended the Georgia Shakespeare Festival at Oglethorpe University with Jordan and Skyler.  Antony and Cleopatra was playing and it appeared to be fairly well done.  I’m afraid this particular work just didn’t click with me.  It came across as too historical, yet not historical enough; too much pathos and not enough time for the plot to breathe.  Anyway, the play was preceded by a picnic dinner (with a Southern flair) on the Oglethorpe campus (with a slightly mismatched neo-Gothic flair).

Sunday we spent a leisurely morning working around the apartment, handling some “administrative tasks”, and spending time by the pool.  Aimee and I led the choir at mass that evening and, “when the cat’s away”,  Aimee sings solos.  So after a well delivered Panis Angelicus, we made the quick trip out to Bob and Louanne’s for a dinner.  Their hospitality at IHM, over Easter, and this past weekend is just remarkable.  I knew we’d be in for a good meal but, just in case, we took note of this establishment on the way out to Stone Mountain:A Taste of Midwest? Not promising!It’s a little tough to read (but it’s good for a heavily cropped iPhone photo), but this little food emporium features “a taste of Midwest” cuisine.  I really cringe to think of what they came up with.  It’s probably not unlike some northern restaurants that feature “Southern homestyle cooking” that is really just tasteless, fried bits of various vegetables and meats.

Check! Last Sunday, we went to Richard Blais’ Flip Burger with some friends after mass.  This was another restaurant on our list about which I was warned by Aimee that she “would be very sad” to not visit.  Loved the concept but needed to be scaled back and lessen the mass-market direction is seemed to be heading.

This coming weekend marks the final one in Atlanta.  True to form, we’ll ensure it’s a well packed weekend.  Once the movers come on Thursday to take away our personal belongings and once the furniture company comes on Friday to take away our rented belongings, I know we’ll be ready to occupy our minds with something other than moving and packing.  Iberian Pig with Jordan and Skyler on Friday night?  A great start.

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