Sunday, August 7, 2011

Family Reunion in Michigan

For several reasons, it’s time to get a few updates going on the blog.  The blog, a mere microcosm of our reality, must move on.  So a few of these will be backdated to reflect an actual reality that has been paused recently.

The first weekend in August brought us to Lansing, MI for a reunion with my mom’s family.


It was nice to see (and in some cases, meet) members of my more extended family.  Though it was also our first trip to Lansing since returning from Atlanta and so a bit of a reunion with the more close-in family members.  Please see the Picasa Album for the complete photos but there are few below to get you started:

Megan kicked off the day with some sidewalk chalk   Catching up (before the rain)IMG_7809   IMG_7823IMG_7831   Aimee and Mom (and Mike's)IMG_7835

Aimee also started officially at Rush as a neurologist and neuro-ophthalmologist.  The picture below is her standing outside her very own office with her newly embroidered white coat.  So far, she’s loving it!

photo (2)

In other news, Aimee and I booked a trip to France to celebrate our anniversary and just simply take advantage of an opportunity to do some traveling.  We have more to plan but it will involve a stint in Paris, followed by a couple days in the “south of France” (I feel pretentious even typing that).

And it OTHER news, I’ve decided to work my way into the Harry Potter works.  More to come but, so far, so good.

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