Sunday, October 16, 2011

A lovely weekend to dress up

The 26th annual Old St. Patrick’s Emerald Ball was this past Friday at the Chicago Hilton.  In an elegant evening of dinner and dancing, we honored the families that have enriched our community through dedication of philanthropy and service.  It was also an excellent reason to get all dressed up and enjoy some time with our OSP friends and – this year, our family as well!  Please enjoy some pictures below but, as always, head over to Picasa for the full treat:image

The great ballroom at the Chicago Hilton
The elegant ballroom at the Chicago Hilton

My parents came down from Lansing for the night to celebrate!

And Katie came too (always looking for an excuse to get dressed up!)

Mom and Dad all dressed up!
My parents

Aimee and I with the rev
Aimee and I with Fr. Tom

Continuing the “black and white” theme, we also had the pleasure of hosting Miles here for the weekend while Michael and Joanna took a weekend to be with friends and family in Ohio.  Crowley loved having someone to hang out and all in all, I think it was a pretty good first stay for Miles too!

Hanging out


Throw in a great steak (and macaroni and cheese!) dinner and time with friends compliments of Mark B and placing and order for a couple new iPhones, it’s been a great weekend (and that’s even before what’s shaping up to be a “You Are My Rock” Sunday at OSP)!

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