Monday, December 5, 2011

In a word: Thanksgiving

It was Thanksgiving time again in Michigan where we found ourselves most grateful for our health, for our rich family bonds and faith traditions, and, it turns out, for candy.  As we gathered around the harvest table at the de Varona home, we thoughtfully verbalized the things we hold dear to our hearts.  In a rare case where I prefer literal translations, it's interesting to note the Spanish name for the day: día de Acción de Gracias.  It connotes a deeper expression of action to give thanks which contrasts somewhat with our notion of simply being "thankful".  So while Justin was thankful for candy, I think we found ourselves really giving thanks to God and to each other for our deeper blessings this Thanksgiving.

Now, Vox Clara and ICEL, don't get too excited.  Your literal translations have descended upon us Advent people like the dewfall and we're all set on adding any additional literal equivalency to our mass.  I hope everyone's Advent season was kicked off well, lexicographically speaking however.  Old St. Pat's has done a fairly good job of introducing the changes and accepting (and expecting) the awkwardness of it.  To be perfectly honest and fair though, our experience of the new Roman Missal could be described as the "lite" version due our omission of a recited Confetior and Gloria, switching to the scarcely-changed Apostles Creed, and not using any of the new Mystery of Faith acclamations.  This is okay but I think there is room here for a deeper expression.  Certainly, the presiders have done a fantastic job of incorporating their revised text into the liturgy of the familiar.  

We are nailing the "And with your spirit" though.  However, I noted yesterday the tendency to put emphasis on "with" (And with your spirit):  a clear linkage of relative emphasis to "And also with you".  With the operative words now being your (or possibly spirit), I tried to more fully embrace the text by saying: "And with your spirit".  That is, when I remembered to say it in the first place.

As always, Stephen Colbert had something to say as well.

Below are a few pictures from the weekend.  The full Thanksgiving album is also available on Picasa for your enjoyment.  First some food, then the first annual omelette cook off!  Aimee led us all in explaining the carefully devised rules and scoring:  four judges will assess omelettes from four chefs on the basis of cooking technique, taste, use of available ingredients, and omelette integrity.  Despite a good showing, my arugula pesto with chèvre and shallots, my creation, did not win.  But Kari's did -- and it was very delicious!

The deliciously moist turkey
Aimee's amazing apple pie
Aimee and I with Crowley (who is much more focused on the kids than the camera)
Dad's Omelette preparations (where's the cottage cheese?)
Aimee and Kari readying their ingredients
I believe I was caught stealing ingredients.
To kick it all off, we had a nice visit with Sarah and Matt at the Blundy residence.  Crowley came over to meet their 8 month old puppy Sparty.  It was quite cute.  Once they sorted out their relative hierarchy, they played pretty well together!

I hope everyone's Thanksgiving holiday was replenishing and enjoyable.  In a few words, literally speaking, we give thanks for:

  1. Our family's health, especially my Mom and Kari
  2. Our family traditions which we honor by invigorating and passing on each year
  3. The generosity, honesty, and hospitality of our friends
  4. The passionate embrace of faith by our church and the dedication of those who serve it
  5. Crowley

1 comment:

Ann said...

You two continue to amaze me! Have a wonderful Christmas! Miss all of you at holiday time!!