Sunday, October 3, 2010

Some random updates

Okay got a few various things to mention...
  1. Aimee and I met up with Michael and Jeff for the Atlanta Greek Festival on Saturday. Different from our usual Greek experience because it was put on by the Greek Orthodox Church here in Atlanta. We were lucky enough to time it to coincide with a choir performance and an overview of the Eastern church. Made the gyros all the more tasty!

  2. We were grocery shopping at Kroger at happened upon a box of Coffee Crisp! I've seen them before in the states but certainly not in a grocery store, and never this far south. The Coffee Crisp is a delightful chocolate bar, one of Aimee's favorites. "How do you like your coffee?"

  3. It's been a while since I've written a psalm setting so I looked ahead to the next time Psalm 98 makes an appearance in the lectionary and saw that it was not the typical "All the ends of the Earth" refrain, so I took the opportunity to write a setting of it. Here is a very amateur recording of it we did in our apartment. I haven't quite gotten the acoustics down yet so the piano is too loud but we did get good vocal clarity. Please enjoy:

    Psalm 98: The Lords Comes to Rule the Earth With Justice

    We'll be using this setting at IHM next Sunday!

  4. Serrano Peppers. When we were last at the DeKalb International Farmer's Market, I picked up some fresh Serrano peppers. Aimee has a different take on this (perhaps she'll voice that in a comment?) but I thought they would add a nice kick to a future mexican dinner. Turns out they are much hotter than jalapenos. While dicing them up, Aimee decided to take a bite and, finding them extremely hot, she ended up rubbing her face and eyes. A painful surge of piquance streamed its way through her eyes and tear ducts and, despite several hand washings, lingered on her fingers as a stinging reminder while putting on her contacts the following morning. Ouch! The culprits are below (before being thrown away):

  5. In more successful culinary news, I decided to bake homemade bread this morning. I could not has been more pleased. A nice piece of toast will be waiting for me as soon as I'm done writing this post.
  6. Last thing, our three year wedding anniversary is on Wednesday. Hard to believe we have three down already but it's absolutely the best. We are going to dinner at Wisteria in Inman Park to celebrate. To commemorate this events, I'll be posting a couple hundred pictures from our photographer from the wedding along with a link to our wedding website.


Wes said...

Speaking of Coffee Crisp, you'll be happy to know that I've already arranged to have this available in the Chicagoland area. Here is a picture of the availability of this Canadian treat:

Ann said...

Mark, I get SO HUNGRY reading your blog!! You cook up some pretty tasty stuff, and your out-to-eat experiences whet my appetite!! I'd love to find Coffee Crisp down here....what dept. in the stores have them?

Ann said...


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