Sunday, December 5, 2010

Chicago Weekend II

ATL-ORDThe Christmas party and concert season is in full swing and it so happened that many of our annual Chicago parties and concerts fell on the weekend of December 3-5.  So we figured it would be a good weekend to take a flight up to Chicago and spend it with our friends. 

We arrived just in time to hop in our Avis rental (their computers were actually functioning this time), get into the city, and go to our 5th consecutive Deck the Hall concert at Old St. Pat’s.  The OSP choir, made up of 75 vocalists, was conducted by Bill Fraher and accompanied by the 30-person Metropolis Symphony Orchestra.  The group performed to sell out crowds for three exhausting nights in a rows and did a very nice job.  It was especially strange for Aimee to be a mere listener this year.  Me, I’m more or less used to it.

IMG_2583The festivity of the evening was augmented by new-fallen snow and a late night of catching up at the Neary’s.  It was quite liberating to consume much wine, knowing that we only had to make it down the hall at night’s end.  We were most grateful for Michael and Joanna’s hospitality (and that of Miles actually).  Hopefully we get to return the favor when they come to the south to celebrate MLK day.

Saturday started with massages (and a chance to catch up with Meg) followed by lunch at Mayan Palace with Sara and Kristen.  It’s always to return to the palace where, not 50 yards distance away, I lived in my first apartment in Chicago, next to Sara and Kristen!

Due to some just lousy planning, we had to miss our annual dessert party in Skokie.  David and Maryjoy – we’ll be there next year to visit, pick up some new recipes, and meet little Theo. That evening Mark B hosted a very generous and thought-filled evening of dinner and socializing.  We got to reconnect with some old friends and meet a few more ND connections in Chicago.  I’m so glad we were finally able to make his Christmas dinner, though I learned my lesson about being the farthest traveled guest.


We had to make an early departure to get to Courtney and Frank’s home for a) their annual post-Deck the Hall party and b) our slumber party.  As is typical, we were treated to their warm, festive, yet comfortable décor, delicious food, new wine vintages, and this time, their guest bedroom.  We are so fortunate to have their friendship!

Sunday morning naturally brought the occasion for brunch.  Our selection was Gioco – good because I knew it wouldn’t be terribly crowded (though I don’t know why) and because they take reservations.  Aimee’s dad and sister made the quick drive over from Munster to be with us and our friends.  Sunday afternoon naturally brought the occasion for some group shopping in the “adult sleepwear” section of Target.


Made ya look.  Anyway, then Sunday evening we joined the choir for mass at Old St. Pat’s.  All in all a decent mass, despite a fiendishly out-of-tune Steinway and a little slip up while the presider sang the mass parts (on the bright side, it’s always nice to be personally recognized in the middle of the Doxology). 

After a late flight, we landed in a chilly-but-significantly-warmer Atlanta, ready for a trip to Austin, final preparations for the Star in the East concert, a piano lesson, a Paul Tate concert, Christmas shopping, and a trip to Lansing!  Busy times.  Fun times.

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