Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Oh, you’d like to send us a Christmas Card?

Recently, I’ve had several people freely admit to “stalking” us (it’s not stalking if you’re putting it out there) to find our Atlanta address on the internet.  To the best of my knowledge, it’s not out there.  So here’s a little riddle to deduce it for yourself:

  1. Our street is named after our 5th president.  Once you figure that out, go ahead and append “Drive NE” to it.
  2. Our address number is the year you get when adding one century to the year our 5th president left office.
  3. Our apartment number is four digits and adheres to the following rules:
    • All four digits add up to a prime number.  Let’s call it 17.
    • The third digit + the fourth digit equals the two-digit number you’d get by concatenating the first and second digit.
    • The second digit is half the third digit.
    • The third digit is less than the fourth digit.
    • The fourth digit is often the most difficult to move independently of the others.
  4. You know the city and state.  The zip code you can find by Googling the result of steps 1-3.

Here’s a little Christmas card from us:

* Crowley saw a squirrel as we took this one but it was the best take got (of like 30 pictures)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Should I send it to Apt # 1358 or apt. # 1367 ????? You really should leave these difficult problem to your wife or your dad. Lots of love DAD