Monday, January 17, 2011

Six Months In: Blog Statistics

We are a little over halfway through our year in Atlanta and are really and truly enjoying this experience.  I hope that our blog has been indicative of that -- we’ve been happy to share some of those experiences with you.  But who are you?  Where do you come from?  And what browser do you use?  Below are some stats from our blog since July 1…

Starting with a chart of visits over time.  We routinely get 4-5 visits per day, except for the spikes you see which are when I e-mail the link or post it on Facebook.  In fact, is the number one referring domain to our blog.


Clearly our “readership” is anchored in Atlanta, the Chicago area, and Michigan but we’re pretty well spread out in other places too.  If you live in a small city, you probably have your very own dot on the map!


Specifically, these are the top 20 cities in the US with Visits and other corresponding data points.  Pages/Visit measures how many pages you  click to in one discrete visit.  Given that it’s a blog, one page per visit is reasonable.  Higher than that means people are clicking on other links or specific posts.  Avg. Time on Site is interesting because you get a feel for whether people are checking often for updates or actually reading a page.  Bounce Rate should be pretty high as it’s the percentage of “singe-page” visits on the site.  However if Bounce Rate is 100% and Avg. Time on Site is 00:00:00…  Joliet… Megan? 


Today the US, tomorrow the globe!  We’ve had visits from United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Switzerland, Malaysia, Denmark, Netherlands, Israel, Germany, India.  However, as you’ll see later, not everyone who has landed on our blog got there intentionally (at least initially).Blog-GlobalVisits

These are the Keywords that people have typed into Google (or other search engines), that resulted in (a) our blog being returned as a result and (b) the user clicking into our blog.  A couple of these are pretty interesting, particularly people looking for recipes for lamb ribs or searching for what I can only assume is the Bill Knapp’s Chicken Fricassee Recipe.  Also those searching for “easy fortune, happy life” probably were left unsatisfied with our posts.

This one surprised me a bit.  The median usage statistics in the US for Internet Explorer is around 46% and Firefox is a second at around 30%.  Evidently we have a disproportionately high number of Chrome users (visits from our apartment are removed from all of these calculations by the way).


I don’t always visit with my mobile device, but when I do, I use “______” [see below]. Keep reading my friends.  iPhone is the clear favorite here.


Special thanks to Google Analytics for their almost scary web tracking ability.  Expect another post like this in another 6 months or so.  Happy Martin Luther King, Jr. Day!


Lynette said...

Where is Worcester? Or does Google think I'm in Brookline Village? Or if you actually know someone in Brookline, who is it?! Is it an ND person?

Mark Scozzafave said...

Hmm - interesting question! I think it picks location by pulling the IP address of the router after the first hop from your computer. In most cases it's related to the Internet Service Provider (ISP) so it may not necessarily be aligned to your exact city, especially if it's a smaller town. Worcester had 1 or 2 visits over this time so it wasn't shown in the list. We don't know anyone from Brookline Village so I'm assuming it's you, although that's a pretty big difference in terms of distance. I'm guessing the few visits from Worcester were you from another ISP (coffee shop, friend's wi-fi, etc) and the Brookline Village got picked up as the majority of your visits and somehow recorded differently. Wherever you are, I'm glad you read it!!

NDSUZIEQ said...

Worcester is near me, perhaps I am the culprit.