Sunday, February 13, 2011

A couple updates…

February 12th was President Lincoln’s birthday.  Had it not been for his untimely death, he would have turned 202 on Saturday.  Aimee and I thought it would be a good day to visit the Atlanta History Center in Buckhead. Here’s a quick snippet from their website:

AHCIn 1926, fourteen civic-minded Atlantans chartered the Atlanta Historical Society to help preserve the city’s history.  These founding members met at each other’s homes, collected early manuscripts and photographs, and published research bulletins – all “to arouse in the citizens and friends of Atlanta an interest in its history.”  Over the past 82 years, the organization has grown substantially  in both scope and size, and in 1990, the Atlanta Historical Society and all of its holdings officially became the Atlanta History Center.  Now located on 33 acres in historic Buckhead, the Atlanta History Center strives to connect people, history, and culture through one of the country’s premier History Centers.

So we got to cross this one off our list of things to do in Atlanta and enjoy a beautiful day, marking the early warm up of spring in Georgia.

Swan House
The Swan House Mansion

US Army Medicine Chest
U.S Army Medicine Kit

Artillery Pieces from the Civil War
A pretty fascinating artillery display

An antique piano, pre-dating the modern instrument

The museum stepped us through the various turning points and pivotal battles in the Civil War.  They did a phenomenal job showcasing this glorified and romanticized event in our history while candidly presenting the horror and destruction it brought about. Naturally there was a section devoted to Sherman’s March.  The quote below was good reminder of how Atlanta was utterly destroyed by the Union army and has made, by all accounts, a fine reconstruction of its own.


imageFebruary 5th through 10th was the annual North American Neuro-Ophthalmology Society (NANOS) Conference.  This year Aimee traveled to Vancouver, British Columbia for the meeting and stayed in the lovely Fairmont Hotel downtown on Georgia.  Vancouver is such a beautiful city, I’m so glad Aimee finally got a chance to visit!  She went with her current and future colleagues and had the opportunity to present her research (along with enjoying some good restaurants). Below is a picture of her poster on Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension (IIH) followed by the group of past and current Emory neuro-ophthalmologists, and he co-fellow Daniela:

Aimee's poster on IIH at NANOS

IMG_0008  Aimee and Daniela

Let’s see, what else…

Crowley’s doing well and making a few more friends around here, including “Piper”, her best friend (in Atlanta).  We’re also finally expanding her freedom in the apartment when we’re gone and she’s doing great.  In fact, the other day I came home and she was watching a DVD – Christmas Vacation.  The strange thing is that she managed to turn the DVD player on by herself!  Evidently she had nosed the player (which automatically turns on the TV).  This means two things: 1)  Crowley seems to enjoy Chevy Chase and, 2) we haven’t watched an actual DVD since before Christmas.

We ate at Antico Pizza on Friday night which is just amazing for Neapolitan pizza, and then at Perla Taqueria which was slightly less amazing.

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