Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Just a couple of love birds

We tend to do something different each year about this time in February, and what better way to celebrate Valentine’s Day than by staying in and cooking up a couple of Cornish Hens?  I marinated them in a tasty white wine-soy sauce-herb mixture with chopped garlic cloves. 

Cornish Hens

Aimee aptly prepared for our dinner by taking a picture and promptly posting it on Facebook.  Can’t blame her though, the meat was perfect and, served alongside some broccoli and homemade biscuits, it was a fun way to spend Valentine’s Day. 

Aimee preparing for dinner by posting on Facebook

Outside the Fox TheatreAnd did I make some baby chicken stock with the carcasses?  You bet.  The night after Valentine’s Day we went to a Wells Fargo-sponsored evening at the Fox Theatre (checking another item off our list!!).  It was an evening for clients of their financial advisory group, of which we are not.  The evening featured a presentation of “Second Half Champions”, for folks who made a dramatic shift in their life after 50.  So on many fronts, we felt like a good pair of imposters, but we got the tickets from someone not using them so figured we’d enjoy some food and a show by Mike Rayburn:  “the world’s funniest guitar virtuoso”.  In some respects he was simply a motivational speaker, though he didn’t ascribe that term to himself.  He was however, a bona fide musician, classically training and well performed.  The following video is a compilation of his show.

Mike Rayburn

I love his finger tapping technique and ability to adapt and mesh different styles of playing and genres of music.  In all, something for everyone.  Except tenderloin sandwiches.  They ran out before we got there.

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