Sunday, March 6, 2011

I’ll take you to the donut shop

ATL-ORDLots to catch up on!  As Aimee and I become more and more enamored of spring’s arrival here in Atlanta, we decided it was time to book another trip to Chicago.  And what better time to be in Chicago than around St. Patrick’s Day!  I will be there for the annual Siamsa na nGael concert:  song, dance, and stories in celebration of Celtics arts.  Held at the Symphony Center, it features the Metropolis Symphony Orchestra, the Old St. Patrick’s choir, guest soloists, and Martin Sheen narrating the evening. Aimee will join me for the weekend to catch up with our dear friends in Chicago.  My parents and Frank and Darlene will also be with us for part of the weekend.  We are very excited to visit with everyone and be part of 5pm mass.

Surely you’re wondering if any more progress has been made against “the list”.  On Saturday we went to the High Museum of Art. Overall, it was a fairly impressive experience.  It was different from the Art Institute -- In some respects it was a little more accessible and had more educational components to it.  One of the best things is that we were able to take advantage of Free Fulton County Days so admission was completely free.  Their permanent collections were good but we especially enjoyed the Henri Cartier-Bresson photography exhibit (we even bought a print!).

03 05 11_0019   Coastal Scene by Jean Baptiste Antoine Guillemet

La Taverna Scozzafava was in full effect that night as Aimee made homemade spanakopita and avogolemono soup.  It was like a visit to Greektown – and she did a phenomenal job with it, especially the “finicky” fillo dough.

Filling on Fillo  03 05 11_0037_edited-1

The proud chef

After dinner we went to [finally] see The King’s Speech and it was just fantastic.  It’s great to be in a theatre for a movie that, scene for scene, it very well done and appreciated by the audience. 

Time for the donuts!  We got a new shipment of coffee for our Keurig Coffee machine.  It includes some Chai Green Tea for me and Donut Shop coffee for Aimee – her favorite.

And today being the week of Ash Wednesday, we set out to find Pączki options in Atlanta.  Turns out, the Polish population here is not quite what it is in Chicago.  There was no taking anyone to the donut shop as we had to settle for the Publix Bakery.  Actually, there were pretty good!

Some pictures from the High Museum are below:

03 05 11_0001

03 05 11_0025_edited-1

An old piano -- just one pedal!    Moulin Rouge by Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec

We decided to take home a print from the Cartier-Bresson photography exhibit

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