Sunday, March 27, 2011

A Rainy Atlanta Weekend

We were the recipients of some lovely weather this weekend so we made it a mental health weekend and did some relaxing and cleaning.  Aside the rain and hail storm on Saturday, there were a few key highlights:

The iPad 2 arrived. Hardly has it left Aimee’s side.  I have to say though, I’m really impressed by this thing.  It’s zippy and is a good addition to our technology arsenal (which admittedly isn’t that imposing).  Here’s a picture of a happy Aimee unboxing it:

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As we progress through Lent, we celebrated Liturgy for the 3rd Sunday of Lent at IHM tonight.  We have introduced Crowley to the season of Lent as well.  Since a) we cannot presume to understand how dogs might perceive the concept of “prayer” and b) Crowley has no alms to give, it was determined that she will be fasting until Easter.  As such we have changed her food from Orijen Regional Red (all red meat) to their 6 fish variety.  Strangely, I don’t think she appreciates the sacrifice much.

Most notable this weekend was the “We Will Follow the Cross” concert at IHM.  This was an evening of Lenten music featuring the music of Michael Mullink and Michael Vrazel.  Together they have written numerous inspired pieces of music which draw on their experiences in work, daily life, and major church events.  They graciously asked Aimee and I to be an important part of the evening.  Aimee participated in the schola group and sang a solo (“My Thoughts Are Not Your Thoughts”); I accompanied the group on piano and also played a piece I wrote for the occasion based on “What Wondrous Love” and “Were You There”.  I’ll post a recording when I get my hands on it.  Until then, here are some pictures:

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