Sunday, April 17, 2011

Though I Cannot See The End For Me

It’s been a little strange thinking ahead to this summer.  For all the dragging of feet to get down here last June, the fact remains that a) moving is never fun, and b) we really quite like it here.  At the very least, there are plenty of pluses and minuses.  Today, as many of you know, is Palm Sunday.  We celebrated at IHM tonight and, though the liturgy did not include a rousing rendition of “Jerusalem, My Destiny”, it was still much of what I expect on Palm Sunday:   jarring pronunciations of Biblical names, short obligatory homilies, a fainting during the extended Gospel (thank you Matthew), and a nice meal with friends afterwards. 

Lyric OperaHere’s one thing to “fix our eyes on” for the summer and life in Chicago:  Lyric Opera Season tickets!  This is something Aimee (especially) and I have wanted to do and it seemed like a great time and a great season planned.  So starting late this summer, we’ll have the honor of seeing, under the creative direction of Renee Fleming, Lucia di Lammermoor, The Magic Flute, Aida, Show Boat, and Rinaldo. 

Here’s another end for me that I can see:  caffeine.  It’s been a multi-year struggle but I am currently operating in a caffeine-free state.  I am no longer dependent on coffee or tea in the morning to feel like it might prevent an impending migraine.  To be sure however, I have noticed a positive change in headache incidence.  And herbal tea isn’t so bad after all.

A Brief Weekend Update

On Thursday we went to Little Bangkok for Thai food, arguably some of the best in Atlanta.  I was very impressed and let’s just say that Cheshire Bridge never ceases to surprise me these days. 

Atlanta Downtown BillboardOn Saturday we went to see our friend Patrick in Rumors by Neil Simon.  Rumors is a “farcical” play that features an ensemble cast of upper class members of society that engage in various comical cover ups to mask the truth of an evening’s events at a dinner party.  It was put on by the Georgia State theatre program in downtown Atlanta:  “Come Play With Us”, they ask.

Speaking of downtown Atlanta, we ran across a little farce of our own (see image).  There are a lot of places in Atlanta I would describe as vibrant, safe, and smart.  Downtown, however, is not among them. 

Tonight of course was Palm Sunday but here’s something that wasn’t part of my PSP (Palm Sunday Preconceptions):  I played the organ.  In fact it wasn’t part of my plan at all under after communion when it was suggested that I play a line on one of the manuals along with Jeff.  It was fun!

Upcoming Travel

  1. Aimee has some more days of vacation for the year and, since my work schedule has not been conducive to making personal plans much in advance, we’re going to spend a week in Austin.  Turns out we could line it up with my cousin’s wedding too we we’ll be spending 6 days in Austin starting next Tuesday. 
  2. We finally booked our trip to Jamaica at the Iberostar Rose Hall Resort.  Well not the flights yet but we got the all-inclusive resort reserved.  This is more or less a first for us and we’re looking forward to it.  This trip is also wedding-centric -- for Aimee’s brother’s wedding to Lex.  Should be a beautiful celebration!

Lastly, I finally got around to sending in several compositions to some national publishers.  I don’t exactly have a noteworthy track record with this stuff but I keep trying.  I wrote cover letters and submitted copies of “A Wondrous Love” for piano, 3 psalm settings, and my “Mass of St. Edward” based on the new edition of the Roman Missal.


Off to sleep for what I can only hope is a fire alarm-free night which would make it heads and tails better than Saturday night.  Gotta love community living!

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