Sunday, April 10, 2011

You Can’t Get There From Here

Couple quick things to report.  First, I’m sure this isn’t unique to Atlanta, but I’ve heard it two or three times now and get a kick out of it every time. Asking a random person how to get somewhere and I hear:  “naww, see you you can’t get there from here”.  Makes no sense right?  But the person is completely serious and continues: “go on down this street here until you go under the highway, turn right at the big light, pull over, and ask someone there at the corner”.  It’s an accurate commentary on the roads here though:  unpredictable intersections, undulations, and curves make it difficult for many to get between various pockets of town.

On Saturday we had dinner with Michael and Jeff as a gratitude for all the nights they’ve spent watching Crowley.  Dinner Saturday night was at Violette and the first French food we’ve had here.  It was delicious!



After mass tonight, we enjoyed some pizza at Fellini’s with Jeff and our Pastor, Fr. Schillinger.  It was a beautiful day, nearly reaching 90 this afternoon, and a beautiful weekend all around.  I finished up the score for my piano piece that I wrote (“A Wondrous Love”) for our Lenten concert.  Below is a rough recording from Garage Band on the iPad.  Please enjoy:


A Wondrous Love

In closing, here are two recent shots of Crowley (f/1.8) – the one on the left a clear indication of impending grooming as there’s a whisker growing down from her chin.

IMG_7516  IMG_7526

1 comment:

Katie :) said...

You look beautiful, Aimee!!