Monday, January 23, 2012

Catching Up With Atlanta

Aimee and I have been wanting to visit Atlanta ever since the fall. As we found ourselves retracing our steps a year later (e.g. this time last year, Megan and Katie were here; this time last year, we discovered we actually like fall, etc.), we knew a visit was in order. After a few false starts (thank you Delta), we arrived on Friday the 18th, nearly to Michael and Jeff’s house, just in time for a seemingly carsick Crowley to puke all over Aimee and our Camaro (thank you Hertz).


We got cleaned up (thank you Crowley) and then ventured up to Dreamland BBQ with Jeff and Patrick for some lunch. Seated next to a wall of loaves of a white bread, I knew we were back in south. When one of those loaves landed on our table, I was happy to be back.


That night, Michael and Jeff hosted a party at their house with the entire 5pm choir from IHM as well as some other friends, including the pastor and associate priest. It was a great way to catch up with so many people at once. Just like we slipped back into Chicago life so easily last July, it was seamless to ease back into conversation and catching up with these great folks.

On Saturday we ventured down to Highland Bakery and got to catch up with Jordan (sadly Skyler could not attend). We got caught in a refreshing rain storm, but nothing our now smelly Camaro couldn’t handle. From there the whirlwind continued as we went to visit with Daniela (Aimee’s co-fellow), Matt and Noah. They prepared a delicious lunch and the perfect environment to catch up.


imageOff we went to IHM for the 4pm vigil mass. I played the piano and Aimee helped cantor -- it was nice to be back. In fact, Fr. Juan (though threatened otherwise) announced us after mass. It was definitely one of those (“mom, why are we clapping?” moments). Regardless, it was nice to be back behind the keys in IHM – a parish that has and continues to mean a lot to us.  The contrasting liturgical and ministerial elements are always interesting to experience, especially when juxtaposed so closely with our OSP experience.   Dinner at Rosebud Restaurant with Michael and Jeff followed and then another drink at their house to catch up with our friend Nimale.

In all it was a great weekend. We cannot thank Michael and Jeff enough for their generous hospitality and welcoming spirit. It truly felt like home.

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