Friday, January 27, 2012

Old St. Pat’s Cabaret

Well it happened. After 6 weeks of feverish rehearsals (literally at times), we put on an entertaining evening of musical theatre cabaret in the Old St. Pat’s church hall. Nestled in among the painted support poles and huddled at cloth-covered tables, 200 people came to support our creative experiment of cabaret. See more pictures here!

The cabaret was many things: it was an opportunity for Young Adults to host an evening of entertaining music for the members of Old St. Pat’s in a way that was accessible (no one balked at $10); it was a chance for the musicians we hear each Sunday to learn, and in many cases, re-engage in a different style of performing; it was creative outlet for the performers and an opportunity to cement (but first test) the friendship of the artistic team that led it; finally it was a commitment (a relationship of its own perhaps) that everyone took seriously and that everyone came away from with a sense of thankfulness, awe, achievement, and great joy.

But really, what was it? An evening of musical theatre that covered music from 1934 through 2008. It was heartfelt, memorized, and emphatically delivered. We are all thankful for the Old St. Pat’s pastoral, young adult, and special events staff for their enthusiastic support.

You can click on the program below for more information about the songs we performed.


Here are a few quotes from those who came:

  • “The program was superb - to see "stars" eagerly taking on the roles of stage hands was humbling.”  -- Peg R
  • “Loved the whole show... and can't wait till you all do another one.”  -- Mark B.
  • “I keep having the songs from the cabaret go through my head!”  -- Mary Pat S.
  • “You nailed that one!” -- Tom H.
  • “I didn’t realize I’d end up liking these songs so much.” -- me

And from here there are some more pictures for you to enjoy from our various rehearsals and performance:








We are officially an ANNUAL event and already looking forward to creating this great experience next winter.

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