Monday, July 5, 2010

Church Shopping, part I

It's right up there with finding a good dry cleaner. Well, actually more important than that. We have to find a good church. Since we're taking a year hiatus from Old St. Pat's, our objective really isn't to find a replacement; it's to find a place where we feel welcome, can experience good liturgy, find some friends, and have an opportunity to do some music. And Catholic. Though, I can't promise we won't make our way to a Baptist church once or twice.

First stop was the Cathedral of Christ the King. We went to the Sunday 5:30pm liturgy on July 4th so we weren't expecting a big crowd, nor were we disappointed in that regard. The music was a schola from the cathedral choir and they sounded pretty good. Not sure where we'll head next but we haven't written this one off completely yet!

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