Sunday, July 11, 2010

Finally Settling In

We've been here for nearly two weeks and finally feeling settled in. "Settling in" is more than just unpacking. It's unpacking and choosing how to decorate our new home. Choosing what, of the many articles and items we brought from Chicago, will go up first -- or not at all. For us especially, it's finding a few brunch spots and finding ways to make Crowley's adjustment smooth (the latter topic will warrant its own post). Also it's preparing a nice blueberry cobbler to help us remember exactly where we unpacked everything in the kitchen.

Along with the settling in means that Mark gets to finally take pictures of our new apartment. All of our Atlanta pictures can be found on our picasa site:

I'll try to keep this site updated along the way but here are just a couple pictures of the new place:
View of our building from Monroe

Our bedroom

Our kitchen

Nice and big bathroom

And our den.

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