Thursday, July 1, 2010

Our move to Atlanta

Well -- we're getting moved in here in Atlanta. Pretty slowly but we are getting there. After a "last mass" on Sunday we had dinner at the Parthenon and then got started loading up the truck on Monday morning at 5:30am.

Turns out we have a lot more stuff than either of us anticipated. That, combined with a dead battery in the Budget truck when we were preparing to leave meant we didn't leave until after noon Eastern (our new timezone!). Here's a picture of Dad helping with the loading.

Also I found a nice photo op with the fire escape outside the loading dock.

We had great weather right up until around Nashville. As we came to the end of Day 1 of Travel, we ran into a thunderstorm, horrible visibility and fog, sleepiness, and steep hills. We arrived into Chattanooga and I was never more happy to get to a hotel. We stayed at the Sheraton Read House downtown and made our way to Atlanta the following morning.

Aimee had orientation on the 30th (no rest for her!) and then started today on the first. She'll be working at the Emory Eye Center for the next year. Thankfully she has a long weekend to look forward to soon. More to come soon -- until then we'll be making frequent visits to Home Depot. Maybe Bed, Bath, and Beyond. I don't know if we'll have time.

p.s. be sure to become a "Follower" of our blog…

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