Monday, September 6, 2010

How good is it?

Slap-yo-mama good. Oh, we're not advocating any kind of maternal battery here. This is why hyphens are so great. The distinction between good and well aside (I did use "yo" after all), let me just be clear that slap-yo-mama is an adverb phrase-ette modifying the adjective good. Good is not an adverb descri... well I can just stop there actually. See, we continue to be exposed to great gems of the Southern lexicon and I felt compelled to share now and then.

Along with this phrase, we also learned about the utility and potential pitfalls of hiking kilts and, while clearly not a Southern thing, something worth sharing nonetheless.

This weekend marked the start of many things: Notre Dame football, Aimee studying for boards, and temperatures that start with a 6. We kicked off the football season by hanging our flag on our balcony (compliments of Matt and Allison from their wedding). We joined the Notre Dame Club of Atlanta at RíRá Irish Pub and had a great opportunity to meet fellow Atlantan Domers. One of which was a friend of Aimee's who she hasn't seen since college.

view from the apartment building entrance

Aimee's neurology board exam is September 13th and, not one to procrastinate, she has dedicated this weekend and upcoming week for her preparations. She has even taken the week off of work to remain free of distractions. Speaking of distractions, the weather has been simply exquisite. While still quite warm by mid-afternoon, it's been really nice waking up and walking Crowley to temperates in the high 60s and 70s. Since a photo of her seems to make it in most posts, here's one of her enjoying her pink bone:

She's really been enjoying the dog parks and her new friends Maggie and CeCe belonging to our new friends Michael and Jeff. They hosted us twice this weekend for dinner. We are blessed to have come across such welcoming and hospitable people. A chance to share this kind of musicianship and fellowship, both in and out of church, is a welcome gift!

Crowley being her usual submissive self

In other somewhat related news, how good is this -- we booked our flights to Chicago for October 15th-17th!! We are more than excited to spend some time with our friends there. I'm not 100% sure where we are staying yet but will plan to see as many of you as possible. And of course a visit to the 5pm mass will be on the books.

The brunch report for this weekend is rather uninspiring: we went to the Original Pancake House location on Cheshire Bridge where I had the worst blueberry pancakes I've ever encountered. Sorry but my bar is high for these things. Lest I end on a negative note, I made a delectable dinner tonight of BBQ chicken topped with fresh goat cheese and home grown chopped cilantro, accompanied by corn off the cob and baked potatoes.

More to come as always. Well, Happy Labor Day all!

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