Sunday, August 29, 2010

Like a good neighbor...

...Aimee was there. One of the other residents in our building (who also happens to be a resident at Emory) asked us if they could borrow a couple of eggs to make some cookies. It occurs to Aimee that never before has she had the chance to do such a neighborly deed. She relished the opportunity and handed over two very brown, very cage-free, very salmonella-free eggs.

No borrowing was required for our tasty dinner on Saturday night. We made horseradish encrusted salmon. It was very simple: salt and pepper the fish then top with a mixture of
bread crumbs, EVOO, a healthy dollop of prepared horseradish. Then bake until done.

And what goes better with some salmon than a small glass of Corzo Tequila (compliments of the Castillo's) -- served neat of course. I don't know really. I think that's right.

On the topic of visits...
  1. I told Megan we were evaluating yet another brunch spot so that we would fully know the lay of the land when she comes to visit. Sunday's brunch this time was at Einstein's (not the bagel place). We were quite pleased with the fried green tomato eggs benedict and the banana pancakes were pretty good too. Anyway, we're hoping it works out for her to visit us over Columbus Day!

  2. In other visit news, a really nice note arrived from Fr. Tom this week. It made us realize that we need to figure out a time to get up to Chicago to visit our friends and neighbors from the north. So we're pretty seriously looking at October 15th-17th to head up there. Thanks for the note Rev -- it was wonderful to hear from you!

  3. Found out my parents are coming down for a weekend in September (the 17th weekend). We are super excited to have visitors and show them around Atlanta a little more than last time (when we basically just got lost all the time).
A few more plugs before I go [to bed]:
  • Friday's dinner was at a place called Farm Burger in Decatur that specializes in grass fed beef and locally sourced ingredients. They had a lot of great creative options and we both loved it! One -- we'll call it an observation -- but there were a lot of kids there. It kind of felt like a McDonald's for yuppies at one point.
  • Sunday night we ate at Thai Chili and we both got a curry which was very nicely done. I will likely go back.
  • No hyperlink for this one. The aforementioned cookies, straight from the oven, were delivered to our door 30 minutes later. They were phenomenal. I guess being a good neighbor goes both ways. Too bad they already had sugar; surely there was a witty Outkast quip lurking in there somewhere...

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