Sunday, August 15, 2010

Weekend Update

Another weekend is coming to a close. It started out with a piano lesson and then dinner at Bhojanic for some Indian. We order the Pani Puri and it was delicious and nice to do something other than the usual Chicken Tikka.

Saturday we had Aimee's colleague, Daniella, and her husband and little Noah over for dinner. It was so nice to have people over. In fact, we even re-arranged the furniture to commemorate the event. Surprised? Many likely are not. Dinner was balsamic roasted chicken, compliments of the Giada cookbook, served with garlic basil pasta and steamed broccoli.

A few pictures below include Daniella (with her chocolate cake, whipped cream frosting, and fresh berries), Matt with their little boy Noah, and Noah himself, checking out Crowley's bed (cross-reference post on Aug 9).

Speaking of Crowley, she had quite a weekend. It included a trip to Gotham Park (which is the park near us) and a trip Sunday morning to the new dog park at Piedmont Park. She loved it and it's huge there -- plenty of room for the happy little dogs, and the big mean dogs to co-exist. Anyway, she does this thing where she bellies up to the water dish and just drops her face in it, ostensibly out of pure exhaustion but it's adorable.

Mass this Sunday was at Christ the King for the Feast of the Assumption. And since it was the Cathedral, they served it up with all the fixin's (extra incense and what appeared to be more clergy). Aimee sang with the group and I played the piano for the psalm (this part was unexpected but super kind of the director). I hope it was suitable. We're really enjoying seeing how other churches operate with respect to music. Overall, a very hospitable group with great musicianship. Off to Austin this week for me...

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