Monday, May 16, 2011

April Showers Bring May Visitors

Crowley had one of the best weekends she’s had in a long time.  Ours wasn’t too bad either.  Kristen came down from Chicago to spend the weekend with us.  We had a really nice time with her and Crowley especially did (after all, she knew Kristen even before Aimee!).  It was busy though:  We had some delicious southern food, took in a little evening fun, visited with friends, and made another video of Crowley.

We started off right by going straight from ATL to CFA (Chik-fil-a) for some chicken nuggets.  That night we crossed another item off the list and went to watch the Braves attempt to compete with the Phillies.  We were all really impressed with Turner Field:  clean, fun, nice people, and great food -- Kristen managed to tell of her Savannah Shrimp Po’ Boy to her entire family, several friends, and a few strangers.  The picture below is from our seats.

From our seats in Turner Field

Also, I learned that the proper lyrics of “Take Me Out to the Ball Game” do not pluralize “Cracker Jack”.  Anyway, despite our cheering, the home team didn’t win, and while you might call it a comedy of errors, we saw a true comedy the next night at the Atlanta Shakespeare Tavern.  I had to see it to believe it:  the audience sits at tables and there is a cafeteria in the back of the theatre where you get dinner before / while watching the show.  We saw Shakespeare’s comedy “A Midsummer Night’s Dream”.  To be honest, they aren’t Chicago Shakespeare Theatre, but where else can you have a pasty and a beer while taking in some local culture?

Program and tickets to see Shakespeare

Crowley also got groomed this weekend. See her below with her bows (“please take these out now”) and with Aunt Kristen.


   Kristen playing with Crowley

On Sunday, we took Kristen to IHM mass in the morning and then crossed another restaurant off our list by finally getting to Ria’s Bluebird down in Grant Park.  I was very impressed.  “World’s Best Pancakes” (according to the N.Y. Times) is a tough claim to support but they sure were delicious.  After Kristen left, we double dipped on mass and then had dinner with some friends and had an opportunity to talk music with Paul Tate.

Last and simply not least:  we recorded another video of Crowley in an attempt to catalogue her tricks.  She’s been practicing a lot lately so a little You Tube-ing was well deserved:

Crowley Tricks


Anonymous said...

How in the world does one teach a dog to "Limp?" Laura

Mark Scozzafave said...

It just takes a lot of paw holding :)