Monday, May 30, 2011

Memorial Day Locked Up

After a long week (and weekend) of work, Aimee and I hosted our final batch of Atlanta visitors for the Memorial Day Weekend.  Sara and Adam generously planned their holiday weekend to be with us in Atlanta and we loved it.

We started out with a quick trip to Kilwin’s Ice Cream and Fudge in Atlantic Station.  Usually I’m pretty impressed there but one thing in particular was most disconcerting:  I asked if they could make chocolate ice cream soda and was told that they don’t use club soda, but rather Sprite.  This is just not okay but the Mackinac Island Fudge made up for it.

On Saturday we checked another item off of our bucket list.  The Chattahoochee river is well-suited for various type of tubing and rafting excursions, affectionately know as “shooting the hooch”.   With our various beverage literally in tow, we partook.  It was a most relaxing way to spend a few hours in the sun.


The Hooch Shooters

Braves TicketWe arrived home in just enough to change and head out to the Braves game.  We enjoyed this one just as much as the last one, though it was a bit longer as it took 12 innings to put the game away.  At least the Braves came out on top this time.  Below are a few pictures from that afternoon.

Aimee and Sara


Our Visitors Sara and Adam

Sara had few requirements for their trip. One was a Braves game; the other was Southern Fried Chicken.  I’m most confident when I say that the Colonnade restaurant on Cheshire Bridge did not disappoint.  It is the quintessential, part-diner, part-fine dining establishment that has existed for years in the hearts and somewhat feeble minds of its most frequent patrons.  The dated décor and chain-smoking wait staff aside, I’ve never had better chicken.

Colonnade Restaurant

The Emory University campus is simply beautiful in the spring, benefiting from the staggered waves of flowering trees and other blossoms that mark a typical Atlanta spring time.  While Aimee and I rehearsed for mass on Sunday afternoon, Sara and Adam took the car for a self-guided tour of campus and the area near the eye clinic. 


We closed out the weekend on a high note at Murphy’s in Virginia Highlands for brunch.  We are most appreciative for Sara and Adam making the journey down to be with us and share in the warmth – as we are with all of the visitors we’ve had here in Atlanta.  As our time here dwindles, the work situation for me has accelerated fairly dramatically.  Before the big conversion weekend however, I was able to participate in a salon-style piano recital at my teacher’s home.  I played Chopin’s Etude in A-flat, Op. 25, No. 1; followed by Excursions I by Samuel Barber – both memorized, which is a good feat for me!

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