Monday, May 9, 2011

We have a red pin

imageIn the leasing office here at Gables Midtown, there’s a poster board map of the property with yellow pins in the occupied units and red pins in the apartments that are vacant or pending vacancy.  We have a red pin.  It’s just one of the realizations of our impending move back to Chicago.  But before that, we’ve had some visitors.  Last weekend Mark and Scott joined us for a couple days.

We started with a trip to Murphy’s for dinner to offer a traditional dinner with some southern flair.  As usual, it did not disappoint. says it well:  “Tom Murphy’s acclaimed restaurant brings in the crowds with the perfect combination of upscale comfort food, unpretentious service, a cozy, high-energy setting and excellent value.”

What followed was a frustratingly abbreviated journey to the Piedmont Park Dog Park, so described because my first and only heave of Crowley’s ball went across the park and, with one hop, went over the fence and was never to be recovered.  Crowley was not pleased.

Summon the bucket list!  We set off to tick the box on another item: the Georgia Aquarium.  A nicely designed space with really well done exhibits – I’m told it’s heads above Shedd.  The dolphin show was spectacularly executed.  As you might expect, I’ve started training Crowley to let me “air ski” on her back.  There are some pictures below.  For more, including an albino alligator, visit our Picasa Album!

Aimee and I in front of a tank

Jelly fish variants (I don't remember the name)

One of the large tanks


The one sea turtle we found

Another ill-timed event:  Aimee was paged just as our visit finished but Mark and Scott pressed on to the World of Coke and we picked them up in time to wait for a table at Fox Brothers BBQ, by several accounts, both anecdotal and official, the best BBQ in Atlanta.  I concur.

Evening came and morning mass at IHM followed.  Thanks to Mark and Scott for taking time out of their schedules to be with us down south.  Lots still to come!  We have Kristen coming next weekend and Sara and Adam for Memorial Day.   We have, as my mom would call it, a “live go” date now of May 23rd which means my work life is about to get a lot busier.

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