Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Austin for Work, Birthday, and Wedding

Aimee and I traveled to Austin for most of last week and the weekend for a fortuitously planned wedding, with proximity to my birthday (not planned) and my client location (sort of planned).  Our picasa album for Rich and Alex’s wedding has the complete set of photos.  All in all it was a great trip!


Our trip began as all extended travel does these days:  with baggage fees.  After making her contribution to Delta, Aimee joined me in Austin for a couple days.  We visited some of my favorite food spots downtown including 219 West, Walton’s, and How Do You Roll; as well as the Lakefront trail and Capitol building.  Aimee is pictured below after our make-your-own-sushi experience:

Wednesday the 27th was the birth day.  Thirty years old.  It’s hard to believe (though really I’m just trying to keep up with all my close friends).  I was immensely fortunate to have my parents, aunt and uncle, and cousins join us downtown for dinner at La Traviata

Birthday Picture


In the tower of the Villa AntoniaRich and Alex celebrated the commencement of their marriage to each other on April 30th at Villa Antonia, a Tuscan-style home in the Texas hill country.  We were well-rehearsed thanks to the run through and dinner near Lake Travis at the Paterson home.  Aimee did a little rehearsing of her own as she was asked to sing Con Te Partiro a cappella during the ceremony – which was outside.  A photo of this appearance has not surfaced yet but I will post when it does.

Below are a few pictures from that day:  my niece and nephew Megan and Justin, Aimee and me, and my parents with Jami.


Megan and Justin

Aimee and I after the ceremony

Mom and Dad with Jami

Lastly (there’s always a ‘lastly’), new iMacs were introduced on Tuesday!  Might one, shiny 27” Sandy Bridge i7 be in our future?  Probably not soon.

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