Friday, November 5, 2010

Couple Random Updates

Not a whole lot here but thought I'd jot a few notes...

Today it sleeted in Atlanta. Briefly, then it turned to rain, but regardless Crowley and I got caught in it while at the park, and it was cold. Anyway, it's really about the same temperature as Chicago lately. This is here:

Last weekend Aimee's friend Daniella and Matt hosted us at their home for dinner. It was the first time I can remember having lamb chops cooked at home. Combined with some very fine, complementary wine, the dinner was great. Daniella made two desserts because one serving of delicious decadence wasn't enough. Their 2 year old son Noah also hosted Crowley for the evening. She stopped running away just long enough to snap a picture:
Sunday brunch was done in high style. Aimee and I hit our first Waffle House (ever I think).

Mass at IHM was prayerful and rewarding as always. We really love the opportunities to be part of their music program. Had a nice dinner with Michael and Jeff afterwards at Community BBQ to thank them for watching Crowley during our last trip to Chicago. Gotta say, I think it's the best I've had in Atlanta.

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