Monday, November 15, 2010

Turkey Test Dinner

This weekend we cooked a Test Turkey for Thanksgiving.  A choice, 9.16 pound premium young turkey came home from Kroger with us and I think we did well with him.

Stuffed and ready to go!

The foil tenting went in place at the right time to ensure proper (but not excessive) browning.


In our rush to get the turkey carved up, after allowing proper time to sit, we decided to invite Michael and Jeff over to sample the dinner.  With little to no planning, we pulled off a nice evening!  And enjoyed two bottles of the Frontera Malbec which, at $7 a bottle from Trader Joe’s, was delicious!

Michael and Jeff join us for Turkey Test

Pictured above along with Michael and Jeff is the decanted Malbec and, yes that’s right, tots.  We weren’t sure how many scalloped potatoes I had leftover so we supplemented with another form of potato.  What?

Lessons Learned:

  1. Turkey always takes longer to prepare than you think.
  2. You can never stuff enough butter under the skin.
  3. You should not “warm up” turkey in the oven at 400 degrees.
  4. More, I just can’t think of them right now.

Lastly, a video of me foolishly chasing after Crowley (like a head-less turkey?).  Aimee and I like to throw the frisbee when we go to the park and Crowley has interpreted this as a classic game of keep-away.  She runs back and forth with each successive throw, closing in as a potential catch is errored or an errant throw is made.  Below is some footage of her preying on my poor catch and running off with the prize:


Unknown said...

I'm not sure what's more enjoyable...watching Crowley or you running around that park... :)

Mark Scozzafave said...

Glad I could provide you with some enjoyment.