Sunday, November 7, 2010

The weekend in reverse

It's the way my brain works, it's a recency thing, so we'll start this today and work backwards. Our friend Tommy had a group over for a chili pot-luck tonight so we spent most of the first part of the day cooking chili. Ours was a veggie-heavy, medium spiced version with flavors of cumin and white pepper featured. We also loved the sweet chili and the beer chili. Very unique!

Mass tonight was great! In honor of All Souls Day last week, we did Pie Jesu as set to music by Andrew Lloyd Webber. Aimee sang the soprano line beautifully while blending well with fellow soprano for the other part.

Saturday brought us back to Iberian Pig for a visit with Aimee's colleague from Rush, Jennifer N. We had a great time catching up while reprising the pork cheek tacos, along with a butter lettuce salad and tempura-style crab cakes.

Now that we're both done reading The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, we decided to watch the Swedish version on Netflix. It was good to watch/read (it was subtitled). I'm not one of those people who, nose in the air, is surprised yet disgusted that "the movie wasn't as good as the book". They are different forms of media, different arts, with different strengths. Was it as detailed or full of the same plot rabbit holes? No, but it was entertaining to watch and that's what counts in my book. Oh yeah, that was Friday night.

Not long before, we booked another trip to Chicago! December 3rd through 5th we will be in town for Deck the Hall Friday night, a handful of visits and holiday gatherings on Saturday and of course, mass on Sunday. We're looking forward to it!

Lastly, today is Aimee's mom's birthday so Happy birthday up there in Indiana! We'll be having a belated celebration when they come down here Thanksgiving!

Lastly (take 2), I couldn't leave a blog post without a picture so here, on behalf of Southern class everywhere, is a picture we snapped from the car this morning:

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